FATES Style Guide

Code development has style considerations. Should you capitalize variables.. or not? How many characters should the maximum width of a text line be? Should you use long blocks of ==== or ----- to indicate visual breaks in code. Do we like underscores or dashes?

FATES Style Guide


Note that style is evolving and existing code may not reflect what is in this document)

ALL fortran code should be bound in modules. If for some reason this does not seem possible, please contact admin team. Therefore, all fortran files should end in “Mod.F90”.

Files should be named using “CamelCase”. CamelCase uses no underscores, capital letters are inserted to indicate the beginning of different words.

Subroutines and Functions should also use CamelCase.

Variables, and data structures should not use CamelCase, and should make use of underscores if need be.

Keep line lengths within 100 characters, consistently, when possible. If it makes the code too hard to interpret exceptions are allowed. Line lengths should never exceed 110 characters and will give NAG fits at 132.

Delineate subroutines by breaking them with (out to 100 characters):


Blocks of commented code, or concept breaks can be delineated with (out to 100 characters):


If a loop or “if” structure spans more than 50 lines, use explicit loop naming to ensure loop closure correctness and readability. Even better, add the name as a comment to the else structure in the middle if possible:


outer_logical_loop: if(example_logical) then

! Assume there is a copious amount of code that happens between
! the opening and closing statement

else  ! outer_logical_loop

! Assume there is also code here

end if outer_logical_loop

No hard-coded values.

Bad: area_m2 = area_ha*10000

Good: area_m2 = area_ha*ha_to_m2

0 Constants should be given a defined type, label and “parameter” designation. Example:

real(r8),parameter :: ha_to_m2 = 10000.0_r8 # This is the area conversion factor of hectares to square meters

Variables should have descriptive names.

Bad: b = c/a

Good: leaf_nitrogen_mass = leaf_carbon_mass / leaf_cn_ratio