Case 2 - Adding Variables and Investigating Ecosystem Structure

The second simulation gives a practical learning experience on the following objectives: - Learn about different FATES output - Learn about adding new history variables - Visualizing long-term FATES-specific size-structured dynamics

1. The FATES code - output handling

Before jumping into the creation of a new case, lets first open up the FATES source file that handles “history” output. See:

Or, this file can be found in your local copy of FATES, in main/FatesHistoryInterfaceMod.F90.

Some take-aways from this file: - History variables handle all of our “diagnostic” outputs that are written to file - These variables are stored in “derived type” objects, via a registry - These objects have metadata that define each variable (dimensions, number types, unit definitions, long name definitions) - These types are necessary because we need to pass an arbitrary list of things to the host model, because it handles output - We have some special “multi-plexed” dimensions - The naming convention of variables indicates its dimensioning

The object lists are passed to the host model in “the interface”. The process is similar in E3SM/CTSM, where the land-model’s native functions are used to set-up pointers to the FATES object arrays.

2. Selecting Output Variables

Looking at main/FatesHistoryInterfaceMod.F90 is the best way to understand what variables are available for output.

In this example, lets craft a simulation that will generate the following diagnostics:

  • Productivity and canopy structure (site x patch-age)

  • Tree abundance and basal area (site x size x canopy position)

  • Growth rate (site x size x canopy position)

  • Mortality rate (site x size x canopy position)

After reviewing main/FatesHistoryInterfaceMod.F90, and using keyword searches, we have the following variables:

  • GPP_BY_AGE (inactive)

  • PATCH_AREA_BY_AGE (active)

  • CANOPY_AREA_BY_AGE (active)

  • BA_SCLS (active)



  • DDBH_CANOPY_SCLS (active)




3. Specifying Output Variables

Many variables, those set to “active”, will be added to the “h0” history file by default. Although, to save space the user can set a variable hist_empty_htapes = .true., where no variables unless explicitly stated, will be sent to output.

Because this is a long simulation, with complex dimensions, we will save space, and explicitly list the variables we want.

These variables should be added to the user_nl_clm file in the case directory. In a simple example, with only 1 type of output file, and all other variables removed except explicitly this group of variables:

hist_empty_htapes = .true.

4. Build the Run

Building the model takes time. We _could_ modify our Run 1 case to try out our new simulation conditions. We would avoid building the model. But for simplicity’s sake, we will perform a new build with a new case.

Return to the scripts directory, open and modify “”

Execute the build script.

On cheyenne:

$ qcmd -A UCGD0004 -q R4231271 -- ./

On systems with no tasking-queue:

$ ./

The script is provided below for convenience.


# This script will BUILD a CESM/E3SM single point simulation for the 1x1_brazil resolution.
# 1x1_brazil is a pre-made "resolution", meaning the support files domain/surface/etc are
# already available. This is a single-site, located roughly in the southern Amazon.
# This script taks NO ARGUMENTS
# IMPORTANT:  If you are on cheyenne, you must call this script via their qcmd command
#             This will launch a job to run this script, and is important to cheyenne.
#             You will get booted if you don't do this (well...maybe, probably).
#             Assuming your PROJECT ID IS UCGD0004, execute this script as follows:
#             qcmd -A UCGD0004 -q R4231271 -- ./
# contact with questions/comments/cake.


./create_newcase --case run2_1x1brazil_structure --res 1x1_brazil --compset ${COMP} --mach ${MACH} --project ${PROJECT}  --queue ${JOB_QUEUE} --run-unsupported

cd run2_1x1brazil_structure

./xmlchange --id STOP_N --val 10
./xmlchange --id RUN_STARTDATE --val '1900-01-01'
./xmlchange --id STOP_OPTION --val nyears
./xmlchange --id CLM_FORCE_COLDSTART --val on
./xmlchange --id RESUBMIT --val 2
./xmlchange --id DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_START --val 1996
./xmlchange --id DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_END --val 2001


cat >> user_nl_clm <<EOF
hist_empty_htapes = .true.
hist_fincl1       = 'GPP_BY_AGE','PATCH_AREA_BY_AGE','CANOPY_AREA_BY_AGE', \



5. Submit the Run

Execute the simulation when the build is complete:

$ cd run2_1x1brazil_structure
$ ./case.submit

6. How about adding new output variables?

See How to add a new FATES history variable section

7. Visualizing structured FATES output

A sample of output data has been pre-generated for visualizing run 2. Head back to the Data directory in the packet. Also, load python and matplotlib if not already done.

$ cd <path>/FatesTutorial_Feb2019/Data/run2_1x1brazil_structured

On cori:

$ pip install --user matplotlib

On cheyenne:

$ module load python/2.7.14
$ pip install --user matplotlib
$ pip install --user scipy

A python script has been prepared to visualize out variables of interest, it will use these newly installed modules. See,

To execute the script, simply run the python command with the script as the only argument:

$ python

The script is also shown below:

import numpy as np
from import netcdf as nc
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import BoundaryNorm
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator

### open the file and read in coordinate data

##  get and open the history file
##  change the line below to point to the file that you've made,
##  which should be a concatenation of a bunch of FATES history files into a single file
filename_in = ''
fin = nc.netcdf_file(filename_in)

## read the coordinate data for the various dimensions
time = fin.variables['time'][:] / 365.  ### time dimension, put in unit of years
patch_age_bins = fin.variables['fates_levage'][:]
cohort_size_bins = fin.variables['fates_levscls'][:]

## define the sizes of each dimension
ntim = len(time)
nagebins = len(patch_age_bins)
nsizebins = len(cohort_size_bins)

## because the bin edges read in define the lower edges, add a last index to each to
## represent the upper edge of the distribution (even though there isn't one, really)
patch_age_bins = np.append(patch_age_bins,patch_age_bins[nagebins-1]*1.5)
cohort_size_bins = np.append(cohort_size_bins,cohort_size_bins[nsizebins-1]*1.5)

### read in the various variables to visualize

# productivity and canopy structure as a function of patch age
GPP_BY_AGE = fin.variables['GPP_BY_AGE'][:]  * 86400 * 365 ## change units from per second to per year
PATCH_AREA_BY_AGE = fin.variables['PATCH_AREA_BY_AGE'][:]

# population numbers and basal area as a functino of cohort size
BA_SCLS = fin.variables['BA_SCLS'][:]

# growth and mortality rates as a function of plant size

# close the file

### first, look at the productivity and canopy structure

# set up the page
fig1, (f1ax0, f1ax1, f1ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=3, figsize=(7, 7))

## set up the first plot: the fractional area of patches of a given age range
levels = np.arange(0.,1.1, 0.1)
cmap = plt.get_cmap('Blues')
norm = BoundaryNorm(levels, ncolors=cmap.N, clip=True)
im = f1ax0.pcolormesh(time, patch_age_bins, PATCH_AREA_BY_AGE[:,:,0].transpose(), cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
fig1.colorbar(im, ax=f1ax0)
f1ax0.set_title(r'Patch Area by Age (m$^2$ patch m$^{-2}$ site)')
f1ax0.set_xlabel('Time (yr)')
f1ax0.set_ylabel('Patch Age (yr)')

## set up the second plot: the canopy coverage of patches of a given age (where 1 means canopy closure)
levels = np.arange(0.,2.1, 0.1)
cmap = plt.get_cmap('Greens')
norm = BoundaryNorm(levels, ncolors=cmap.N, clip=True)
im = f1ax1.pcolormesh(time, patch_age_bins, (CANOPY_AREA_BY_AGE / PATCH_AREA_BY_AGE)[:,:,0].transpose(), cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
fig1.colorbar(im, ax=f1ax1)
f1ax1.set_title(r'Canopy Area Index by Patch Age (m$^2$ canopy m$^{-2}$ patch)')
f1ax1.set_xlabel('Time (yr)')
f1ax1.set_ylabel('Patch Age (yr)')

## set up the third plot: the GPP, conditional on patch age
levels = np.arange(0.,2500, 100)
cmap = plt.get_cmap('Greens')
norm = BoundaryNorm(levels, ncolors=cmap.N, clip=True)
im = f1ax2.pcolormesh(time, patch_age_bins, (GPP_BY_AGE )[:,:,0].transpose(), cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
fig1.colorbar(im, ax=f1ax2)
f1ax2.set_title(r'GPP by Patch Age (g C m$^{-2}$ patch yr$^{-1}$)')
f1ax2.set_xlabel('Time (yr)')
f1ax2.set_ylabel('Patch Age (yr)')

# show the plot

### next, look at the evolution of the plant size structure

# set up the page
fig2, ((f2ax0, f2ax1), (f2ax2, f2ax3)) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(9, 7))

## set up the first plot: evolution of basal area of plants of a given size
levels = np.arange(0.,50, 1)
cmap = plt.get_cmap('Greens')
norm = BoundaryNorm(levels, ncolors=cmap.N, clip=True)
im = f2ax0.pcolormesh(time, cohort_size_bins, BA_SCLS[:,:,0].transpose(), cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
fig2.colorbar(im, ax=f2ax0)
f2ax0.set_title(r'Basal Area by Size (m$^2$ ha$^{-1}$)')
f2ax0.set_xlabel('Time (yr)')
f2ax0.set_ylabel('Cohort Size (cm)')

## set up the second plot: evolution of the population density of plants of a given size
# sum the canopy and understory plants to get size distribution of all plants
levels = np.array([0.1,0.3,1.,3.,10.,30., 100.,300.,1000., 3000., 10000.]) # do a pseudo-log scale here
cmap = plt.get_cmap('Greens')
norm = BoundaryNorm(levels, ncolors=cmap.N, clip=True)
im = f2ax1.pcolormesh(time, cohort_size_bins, (NPLANT_CANOPY_SCLS + NPLANT_UNDERSTORY_SCLS)[:,:,0].transpose(), cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
fig2.colorbar(im, ax=f2ax1)
f2ax1.set_title(r'# of plants by size (n ha$^{-1}$)')
f2ax1.set_xlabel('Time (yr)')
f2ax1.set_ylabel('Cohort Size (cm)')

## set up the third plot: evolution of the population density of canopy plants of a given size
# use same levels & colorbar as second plot above
im = f2ax2.pcolormesh(time, cohort_size_bins, (NPLANT_CANOPY_SCLS)[:,:,0].transpose(), cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
fig2.colorbar(im, ax=f2ax2)
f2ax2.set_title(r'# canopy plants by size (n ha$^{-1}$)')
f2ax2.set_xlabel('Time (yr)')
f2ax2.set_ylabel('Cohort Size (cm)')

## set up the fourth plot: evolution of the population density of understory plants of a given size
# use same levels & colorbar as second plot above
im = f2ax3.pcolormesh(time, cohort_size_bins, (NPLANT_UNDERSTORY_SCLS)[:,:,0].transpose(), cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
fig2.colorbar(im, ax=f2ax3)
f2ax3.set_title(r'# understory plants by size (n ha$^{-1}$)')
f2ax3.set_xlabel('Time (yr)')
f2ax3.set_ylabel('Cohort Size (cm)')

# show the plot

### next, look at the growth and mortality rates
### for all of these rates, you need to divide the rate by the population
### size in post-processing to get meaningful units

# set up the page
fig3, ((f3ax0, f3ax1), (f3ax2, f3ax3)) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(9, 7))

## set up the first plot: growth rate (in diameter increment) in the canopy
levels = np.arange(0.,1.5, 0.05)
cmap = plt.get_cmap('Greens')
norm = BoundaryNorm(levels, ncolors=cmap.N, clip=True)
im = f3ax0.pcolormesh(time, cohort_size_bins, (DDBH_CANOPY_SCLS / NPLANT_CANOPY_SCLS)[:,:,0].transpose(), cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
fig3.colorbar(im, ax=f3ax0)
f3ax0.set_title(r'Growth rate of canopy plants (cm DBH yr$^{-1}$)')
f3ax0.set_xlabel('Time (yr)')
f3ax0.set_ylabel('Cohort Size (cm)')

## set up the second plot: growth rate in the understory, units as above
levels = np.arange(0.,0.15, 0.005)
cmap = plt.get_cmap('Greens')
norm = BoundaryNorm(levels, ncolors=cmap.N, clip=True)
im = f3ax1.pcolormesh(time, cohort_size_bins, (DDBH_UNDERSTORY_SCLS / NPLANT_UNDERSTORY_SCLS)[:,:,0].transpose(), cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
fig3.colorbar(im, ax=f3ax1)
f3ax1.set_title(r'Growth rate of understory plants (cm yr$^{-1}$)')
f3ax1.set_xlabel('Time (yr)')
f3ax1.set_ylabel('Cohort Size (cm)')

## set up the third plot: mortality rate in the canopy, in units of fraction of trees per year of a given size class and canopy position
levels = np.arange(0.,0.1, 0.01)
cmap = plt.get_cmap('Reds')
norm = BoundaryNorm(levels, ncolors=cmap.N, clip=True)
im = f3ax2.pcolormesh(time, cohort_size_bins, (MORTALITY_CANOPY_SCLS / NPLANT_CANOPY_SCLS)[:,:,0].transpose(), cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
fig3.colorbar(im, ax=f3ax2)
f3ax2.set_title(r'Mortality rate of canopy plants (yr$^{-1}$)')
f3ax2.set_xlabel('Time (yr)')
f3ax2.set_ylabel('Cohort Size (cm)')

## set up the fourth plot: mortality rate in the understory, units as above
levels = np.arange(0.,1.0, 0.1)
cmap = plt.get_cmap('Reds')
norm = BoundaryNorm(levels, ncolors=cmap.N, clip=True)
im = f3ax3.pcolormesh(time, cohort_size_bins, (MORTALITY_UNDERSTORY_SCLS / NPLANT_UNDERSTORY_SCLS)[:,:,0].transpose(), cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
fig3.colorbar(im, ax=f3ax3)
f3ax3.set_title(r'Mortality rate of understory plants (yr$^{-1}$)')
f3ax3.set_xlabel('Time (yr)')
f3ax3.set_ylabel('Cohort Size (cm)')

# show the plot

8. Discussion Time!

Take some time out of that daily grind to chat with your neighbor about the output generated.

Figure 1: patch area, canopy area, and gpp by patch-age over time

Fig. 1 Figure 1: Exploring patch age data

Question: Why are there two time axes? What is the difference between the date on the x axis and the “age” on the y axis?

Figure 2: basal area, # of plants, # canopy plants, # understory plants for cohort size over time

Fig. 2 Figure 2: Exploring cohort size data

Question: Why is it possible to have newly recruited plants in the canopy? And why is it possible to have large trees in the understory?

Question: Can you rationalize why the plots for basal area and the number of plants have different patterns?

Figure 3: Growth and mortality for canopy and understory plants

Fig. 3 Figure 3: Exploring cohort growth and mortality

Question: If you were a plant, would you want to live in the under-story, or the upper-story? For instance, how does the survival of newly recruited plants compare in understory versus canopy plants?

Question: Look at figure 2 compare it with figure 3. How is the changing number density in figure 2 reflected in the growth and mortality rates of figure 3?

This completes the Run 2 unit.